"New World Compositions" is a journey of original music and ethnic diversity, with an international flavor that crosses musical genres. It contains 16 tracks, is over an hour in length, and includes a 12 page full color, art / prose booklet. Predominantly instrumental, it contains two tracks ("Dilemma" and "Love Or Illusion" that were used as title themes in the two Hollywood film productions, ("Dilemma" and "Illusion Infinity", respectively) for which Albritton was the composer of both entire movie soundtrack scores. "Dilemma" is an orchestral track with Spanish influences and exotic time-signature. The one vocal track, "Love Or Illusion", is a soulful ballad. It is sung as a duet by Albritton and his sister Monika McClain in this version, but for the film, the lead vocal was originally performed solely by Monika. Dee Wallace Stone (of E.T., The Frighteners, Cujo and many other films) plays the part of a world class singer, and lip-syncs to Monika's vocal track. All the backing tracks were performed by Albritton.